715-866-8666 | Webster
715-327-8015 | Frederic
715-327-8015 | Benson POWER

Tell Us About Your DIY Project! For a Chance to Win $100!

Let's celebrate your DIY victories. It could be worth $100!

Benson Ace Hardware is right there with you when it comes to the satisfaction of a DIY project well done. As part of our commitment to be The Helpful Place, we want to showcase your hard work, dedication, and creativity. Just enter our monthly DIY Like a Pro Sweepstakes. 

What DIY PROJECT did Benson Ace help you complete?

  • Painted the kids' bedroom.
  • Installed a new bathroom sink.
  • Built a deck.
  • Planted a garden.
  • Refinished a dresser.

Almost any DIY project that we helped you complete could be worth $100 in Benson Bucks. Which you can use at our Frederic or Webster store for your next project. We draw $100 winners each month. And an entry stays in the drawing until you win. 

It's easy to enter our monthly DIY Like a Pro Sweepstakes. Submit an entry here, or ask for a entry form at our Frederic or Webster store.

  • Provide your contact information.
  • Describe your project.
  • Include a copy of the Benson Ace receipt for items purchased for the project.
  • Submit an online entry here. Or return a hard-copy entry form (available in our store) to the store. 

Your entry stays in the sweepstakes drawing. Until you win, anyway. 

    Upload a cell phone camera photo (.jpg format) of your Benson Ace SALES RECEIPT.

    Maximum upload file size: 3MB

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